Institutional Development
Effective institutions and governance are critical for reducing poverty and building shared prosperity around the world. Our experts are capable of facilitating the development of efficient, open, inclusive, and accountable institutions that are needed to underpin sustainable growth. To enable the individuals and communities to prosper, entrepreneurship is an important building block which our experts support, provide critical knowledge and technical expertise on.
Counter intuitive approach to social accountability in the Global South
by Fayyaz Baqir
Social accountability in the Global South is meant to check the underperformance of state institutions in terms of underfinancing, under allocation, underspending, and underutilization of resources. Intuitively it is seen as a problem of right holders' checks on the duty bearers. But when one considers that post-colonial states are law and order states and did not inherit administrative, social, and political infrastructures to deliver below the district level, then counter intuitive thinking of engaging and activating the government appears as the best way to improve performance. Dr. Akhter Hameed Khan a leading development practitioner of the 20th century called it working as a solicitor with the government. Soliciting provides an entry point to reverse underperformance at various levels. The entry point for reversing underperformance and exercising social accountability consists of conducting Diagnostic Dialogue, mapping, scoring, and digitizing physical, social, administrative, and social infrastructure in target communities. It is crucial to restore dysfunctional services and establish community-based delivery systems by component-sharing between different departments of the government and creating economies of scale. This approach has led to lifting hundreds of millions of households above the poverty level in South Asia.
How to prevent conflict and promote world peace
Wars are armed conflicts that cause immense human suffering, death, displacement, and environmental destruction. Peace is the absence of war and the presence of justice, security, and human rights. Preventing wars and promoting peace are important goals for humanity and the planet.
Addressing the root causes of conflicts, such as poverty, inequality, oppression, injustice, corruption, discrimination, and human rights violations. These factors can fuel grievances, resentment, and violence among different groups of people. By promoting social and economic development, good governance, democracy, rule of law, and human rights, conflicts can be prevented or resolved peacefully1.
Building trust and dialogue among parties, such as governments, rebels, civil society, and international actors. Communication and cooperation can help to reduce tensions, misunderstandings, and mistrust that can escalate into violence. Dialogue can also help to identify common interests, values, and goals that can foster peaceful coexistence and cooperation2.
Supporting nonviolent movements and actions, such as protests, strikes, boycotts, civil disobedience, and advocacy. These methods can challenge oppressive regimes, demand political and social change, and mobilize public opinion without resorting to violence. Nonviolent movements and actions can also empower marginalized groups, such as women and youth, to participate in peacebuilding and decision-making3.
Strengthening international norms and institutions, such as the United Nations, regional organizations, treaties, and courts. These entities can provide a framework for preventing wars and promoting peace through diplomacy, mediation, sanctions, peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance, and justice. They can also uphold the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity, non-interference, and human rights.
Promoting a culture of peace, which is a set of values, attitudes, behaviors, and skills that reject violence and foster respect for human dignity and diversity. A culture of peace can be cultivated through education, media, arts, sports, religion, and other means of socialization. A culture of peace can also inspire people to act as agents of change for a more peaceful world.
International Peace Institute: https://www.ipinst.org/
Peace Direct: https://www.peacedirect.org/
International Center on Nonviolent Conflict: https://www.nonviolent-conflict.org/
United Nations Peacekeeping: https://peacekeeping.un.org/en
UNESCO: https://en.unesco.org/themes/peace-and-non-violence