Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEAL)
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is a continuous process to assess if progress is made in achieving expected results of projects, to spot bottlenecks in implementation and to highlight whether there are any unintended effects (positive or negative) from an investment plan, program or project and its activities. Global IDEAS will collect and analyse data for baseline studies, mid-term evaluation or outcome evaluations. Setting up monitoring and evaluation systems in existing projects is one of our services along with those indicated below:
· Development of M&E system
· Theory of change
· Result based management
· Baseline, midterm & outcome evaluations
· Third party monitoring
· Value for money analysis
Advisory Services and Research
We advise on the best way to implement projects after carrying out detailed research and surveys to analyse the situation, background, socio-cultural and natural environmental conditions. Involving various stakeholders and experts we assess local conditions to look for best solutions to enhance development in health, education, environment, governance, enterprise and institutions.
Programme / Project Design
Global IDEAS Consultants looks at sustainable project design which is rooted in the community and national system that the project is to be located in. We engage with local contacts that are able to give context and ownership to the project. Our aim is to ensure that desirable impacts will be sustained and improved by beneficiaries into the future and local stakeholders take ownership. Solutions are developed in close collaboration with communities taking into account gender, health aspects as well as environmental and training implications.
Proposal Writing for Funding
We will provide support in finding funding for development projects in health, education, environmental conservation, social and community development, enterprise and institution building by providing help in developing proposals and searching for the right funding agencies.
Establishing International Cooperation Linkages
We will set up links between different organisations and our multinational, multisectoral team of experts. We will network globally in order to find the right people to implement or advise on development solutions for difficult problems.
Environmental, Social, Governance Impact Assessment
We provide multidimensional impact assessment taking into account various dimensions such as environmental, social and governance indicators. We put together multinational, multi-expertise teams which will analyse the impact of a project not only in terms of environment but also the impact on the society and local institutions.
UNDP and Aga Khan Foundation are pointing out that in an increasingly integrated world we need to have integrated solutions, which is why we at Global IDEAS are working on bringing about a network of global consultants which can bring innovative solutions, so as to integrate specialists from all over the globe, with a great variety of expertise and backgrounds. We believe that evaluation and consequent solutions can not be done from one viewpoint but have to be done in a multinational, multi-sector approach looking at a whole array of factors including environmental, social and governance impact indicators.